Why you should choose Infinity Scrigno for CRM
Management of master records using the ETL function
The Infinity Scrigno suite contains a centralised archive capable of profiling customers on the basis of their requests and purchases effected during their stay.
To ensure an effective Customer Relationship Management process, each customer, whether individual or company, must be associated to a single master record: it is therefore essential to normalise entries, transfer duplicates into a single master record and consolidate production. This de-duplication process of the master records constitutes a crucial activity for structures and groups that manage hundreds of thousands of entries, and ensures significant time saving when carrying out analysis and marketing initiatives.
To ensure an effective Customer Relationship Management process, each customer, whether individual or company, must be associated to a single master record: it is therefore essential to normalise entries, transfer duplicates into a single master record and consolidate production. This de-duplication process of the master records constitutes a crucial activity for structures and groups that manage hundreds of thousands of entries, and ensures significant time saving when carrying out analysis and marketing initiatives.
Marketing actions targeting individual customers, companies and agencies
The Marketing Automation procedure allows for initiating customised marketing and communication campaigns to promote news, events, commercial offers and/or events directed at selected targets. The Marketing Dept. may enter and store all events addressed to its customers, ranging from telephone calls to the sending of promotional material and the offer of subscription to special initiatives: these are fundamental operations in measuring the conversion ratio of offers and assessing the hotel’s commercial effectiveness.
With just a few clicks, Infinity Scrigno CRM Module accurately segments the clientele by matching different parameters (e.g. demographic, by preference, by production, by no. of overnight stays, etc.), in addition to identifying segments of companies and agencies by matching several parameters (e.g. by production, no. of stays, geographic area, customer ranking, etc.): in this way, one-to-one commercial offers can be drawn up.
Moreover, an equally swift procedure can be used to exclude from the segments those customers that do not have an email address or who did not authorise the sending of promotional material. Once the sample set of recipients has been identified, an email in either text of html format, including an attachment, can be sent directly using the Mmail module.
The system then enters the event on each customer’s master record and enables you to monitor the results by highlighting incorrect email addresses, users that opened the email or those that visited the site. After calculating the acceptance figures for the campaign, the system then supplies the relative conversion ratio.
With just a few clicks, Infinity Scrigno CRM Module accurately segments the clientele by matching different parameters (e.g. demographic, by preference, by production, by no. of overnight stays, etc.), in addition to identifying segments of companies and agencies by matching several parameters (e.g. by production, no. of stays, geographic area, customer ranking, etc.): in this way, one-to-one commercial offers can be drawn up.
Moreover, an equally swift procedure can be used to exclude from the segments those customers that do not have an email address or who did not authorise the sending of promotional material. Once the sample set of recipients has been identified, an email in either text of html format, including an attachment, can be sent directly using the Mmail module.
The system then enters the event on each customer’s master record and enables you to monitor the results by highlighting incorrect email addresses, users that opened the email or those that visited the site. After calculating the acceptance figures for the campaign, the system then supplies the relative conversion ratio.
The use of external master records
It is possible to carry out mailing operations using external master records without having to import them into the database, but simply using an Excel page.